Nail Care! Can’t Live Without It!

Posted by L.J. York on

Let’s start this off by saying...I hate lotion. I hate cremes, goos, and oils on my skin. I have extremely problematic skin, what works one day could not the next. Like a walking never ending puzzle, fun (NOT!) I’ll even tell you a secret (whispers creepily) I don’t like nail care stuff on either. I know, gasp! Who likes to slip and slide through the house like a baby seal smothered in butter? Smudgey prints on everything like a bad crime scene. BUT when one refuses to wear gloves when dealing with many cleaning chemicals, it is time to do something. There are ONLY 2 brands I will grease myself up with and this post is obviously about 1 of them. 

Some of us know Aly Vanderlinde (darkmoon_nails) on Instagram and Facebook. Well, she started her own nail and body care line called Dark Moon Esscentuals. With her passion for beauty and all things nails, she “nailed” it on the head. Boo corny joke I know, but it had to be done!

Anyways my nails and cuticles are usually in a sorry state. Which is why I don’t post mani pictures. See, learning all kinds of stuff about me! This picture is on a “good” day.

Look at that boo boo! Sucked! Even the beautiful Ring in the New Year (ooh sparkly) couldn’t cheer these pitiful bad boys up. So, I bought some of Aly's Cuticle Crack. Yes! You read that right. I bought the cuticle crack to try and she graciously gave me the sugar scrub. Might have been because I hounded her to open the virtual doors so I could purchase, but whatever.

So for the past 2 weeks I’ve been using these 2 products exclusively. Of course with no gloves because I’m also stubborn. I put the crack on in the morning, night, and drag it along everywhere like a toddler with a toy. It soaks in very well, but not too quick to where you feel like nothing happened. Am I only weird like that? Overall I like the soft feel it leaves. Doesn’t just “coat” the issue, it actually heals. Look! No more boo boos! This was about a week after the first use.

Now, about this scrub. At first I wasn’t too excited. Figured it was just like others. I knew I was wrong as soon as I opened it. It leaves the same soft feel as cuticle crack and it isn’t just sugar in a jar that you have to try to scrape out. Granted, I enjoy that when my hands need it, but on a daily basis I don’t. It is soft and smooth and it doesn’t leave a greasy residue.


I’ve already bought another cuticle crack because I love it so much. Aly gave me a few things to try which I’m currently doing and will post my thoughts in a week or so. Overall I’m seriously impressed with the feel of her products. They soak in nicely, actually heal cracked skin, and the scents are subtle and not overpowering. If you saw on my Facebook or Twitter I’ve actually been posting mani pictures again! I missed it lol! 

This is my swatch of First Snow from Saturday 1/5/19 and there are no more skin flappers or cuts. I’m actually happy with my cuticles for a change!

So if you are looking for something new to try this year I recommend trying Aly’s Cuticle Crack and other items. She is just starting her business and is having giveaways and a naming contest for some of her products. You can find Dark Moon Esscentuals on Instagram and Facebook. To try some of her products you can head to her site by clicking here.

This was actually a lot of fun to review a new product I love. Wait till next post when I share an amazingly complicated dessert recipe!


*at the time of posting all products are available


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  • Thank you for taking the time to review my products LJ!! I’m so happy you like them!! More to come!!

    Aly on

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